Using our heat pumps with heat pump tariffs and PV panels
Electric tariffs for heat pumps have now been rolled out by a number of electrical energy suppliers with discounted rates at certain times of day to allow for the most cost-effective operation of a heat pump.
Both our air and ground source ranges have smart grid terminals that can be configured to make the most of this lower-priced energy.
In systems with underfloor heating this allows you to store more energy in the fabric of your building so that you need less energy at higher price points in the day. This can be more effective than storing the heat in water and can provide great cost savings.
Our WPL-A 07 and HPA-O8 air source units can be combined with our HSBC 220 cylinder which has the additional advantage of being ready to connect to PV panels and battery storage out of the box. HSBC 220 has electric heaters in the space heating circuit and hot water that can be powered by PV or battery storage, allowing you to maximise the use of your own “free” electricity.
Our partnership with SOLARWATT also means a proven integration with their PV panels and further smart home advantages to leverage your investment in solar and reduce your reliance on the grid and thus your utility bills.