Control unit/energy management
EM Trend
Product details
Use your power as effectively as possible
Make your heat pump even smarter. You can do so easily with this energy management solution. The extension module for your Internet Service Gateway uses a compatible electricity meter to measure the electrical feed-in or reference power at the connection to the building. Surplus energy can then be stored in your buffer and DHW cylinder and in the building itself by raising the temperatures.
Make low consumption your goal
But that's not all. Intelligent energy management (EM) offers you even more: its weather information service enables you to forecast the yield from your photovoltaic system and your building's heat demand. Power consumption forecasts based on electricity meter data complete the range of energy management functions. All forecasts are utilised by the EM solution and aim to make optimum and efficient use of the energy you generate on site. In the summer, your heat pumps with cooling function are operated exclusively with surplus PV power.